Blackpool Tower Adventure game by Darren Reynolds, adapted for VIC-20 by Jimmy Fang Published in Your Computer's Bumper Book of Programs, May 1988 For the Commodore VIC-20 (8K) Synopsis: You aunt has locked you inside the house while she goes shopping. Being young and adventurous, you decide to escape and visit Blackpool Tower... Walkthrough: E, GET WATER, W, N, OPEN DRAWER (you find some papers and a fork), GET FORK, N, POUR WATER (you put out the fire), W, S, S, S, PICK LOCK (with fork), OPEN CUPBOARD (you find a key), GET KEY, N, N, N, E, E, UNLOCK DOOR (with key), OPEN DOOR, N, N, E, E, GET LITTER, PLACE LITTER IN BIN (policeman rewards you with 50p), W, W, W, W, GIVE MAN (you give him 50p so he will now let you in), ENTER TOWER. Credits: This solution was written by Garry Francis and posted at: